



’23, 化学工程学士学位

I am most proud of the unique and diverse opportunities I’ve been able to take advantage 作为一名体育博彩工程师. 曾经对我来说陌生和可怕的事情 like public speaking, domestic and international travel, leading professional events and being a student leader — are now some of my greatest strengths thanks to the experiences 我和优托利多工程公司的对话.



’23, 生物工程学士学位

Not only does UToledo’s engineering program give you field experience that sets you apart from graduates of other schools, but their medical program allows a fast track 进入医学院. They also offered generous scholarships that helped make me feel 欢迎你,尽管我来自不同的州.



’23, 环境科学学士学位

I have met some amazing people at UToledo, both students and faculty alike. It is these relationships that have helped me to not only discover my true passion in life but have guided me towards forging my own career: a nursery focusing solely on growing native plants from locally collected, native genotypic (locally genetic) seed.


荣誉聚光灯- Erica Sacoto

’25, 刑事司法理学学士学位

Being a Rocket means to step up and explore all the opportunities that you have here 在大学. Our campus has a lot of diverse organizations that you can be a part of, and I think it’s crucial for Rockets to explore these diverse spaces and 真正在校园找到自己的家. 我在这里找到了我的家人.



’25, 化妆品科学学士学位 & 配方设计

For me, as an out-of-state student, Honors was an unexpected safe space and made the 过渡到大学就容易多了. 它帮助我改变了我的学习动机 以及对化妆品科学领域的热情. 关于荣誉的谈话 thesis led me to work with the Office of Undergraduate Research to find my advisor 研究课题.



’25, 会计工商管理学士学位

UToledo has prepared me for the real world by the services offered by Business Career Programs. Without their help and continual support, I do not think I would have landed 我的实习经历. 商学院也在他们的发展中发挥了重要作用 hosting of the job fair, which allows me to interact with prospective employers.



’26, 机械工程学士学位

The integrated co-op program at UToledo has pushed me to strive higher than I would 在其他学校. Thanks to this program, I was able to spend a summer in Germany learning the differences between German and American work styles, adapting to the culture, becoming more fluent in German and exploring beautiful destinations throughout Europe.



’24, 生物学学士学位

I am incredibly honored to be selected as a Goldwater Scholar. 第一种感觉是 难以置信. It nudges you in the direction that you are doing something correct and 继续这个过程.



’26, 工商管理学士

My focus coming into college was just to try to gain as much knowledge as possible right away — to go headfirst — and that kind of pulled me in and so many opportunities 结果是. At UToledo, it is clear that if you are motivated, there are so many things you 可以实现.




It is such an honor to have placed first in the Ohio Japanese Speech Contest and to 得到俄亥俄州中部日美协会的认可. 我非常感谢 Dr. Kasumi Yamazaki, who helped me so much in writing my speech and preparing for 比赛.


荣誉聚光灯- Haroon Lughmani


I already was involved in Humanity First, but I wanted to create a sense of community amongst my fellow Toledoans and transform our common empathy into tangible efforts. Alone, I may only make one drop of change, but together, we can amplify our efforts 产生变化的海洋.




I’m very grateful to have contributed to the discovery and published paper. It has been an invaluable experience to be part of a collaborative, supportive environment that encouraged me to continue in the face of difficulties and pushed me to reach 我最大的潜能.



’22, 生物工程学士学位

I have gone from a shy girl who was afraid of speaking up to someone who has had conversations with distinguished alumni and company CEOs at events in the College of 工程. Through the support of my 工程 faculty, I have grown out of my comfort zone and learned how to use my strengths in a way that makes me the best version of myself.


荣誉聚光灯- Aastha Bhavsar

’22, 心理学文学士

I volunteer because I want to make a difference in my community. 激励我的是 achieving positive outcomes that can help others in a time of need. 我也喜欢工作 在团队中实现目标,推动我们的使命向前发展. 我对每件事都很认真 I do, and I challenge myself to keep innovating and try to do something new.



’26, 护理学学士学位

At first, I wanted to be a pediatric doctor, then I thought about being an ER doctor. But I later realized that nurses are the ones that are closest to the patients, and 我一直想站起来. 我想去一所有护理课程的学校 类严重. And I saw that UToledo was one of the top programs in Ohio.


荣誉聚光灯- Lemuel Inkoom


我真的很享受做一名优等生. 高中时,我以为荣誉意味着 just harder classes, but at UToledo, it means smaller class sizes. 有些课程是 longer, but I’m learning more than I would outside of Honors.



1922年,获得物理学学士学位 & 数学

I was surprised I was able to begin working on research so early in my college career. It feels great to make such an impact and be part of something that is going to accelerate 如此多的发现. This database will speed up a lot of research projects tremendously 对全世界的天文学家来说.




“I was really interested in healthcare and still continue to be interested in making 医疗保健更容易获得,对人们更公平. 我觉得我需要去 在医学领域做这些. 在健康研究实验室,我可以做很多事 以一种研究的方式做一些更实际的事情.”




For as crazy as a time as it’s been, the University and the College of Nursing have 在帮助我们成功方面做得很好. 我和教练们的互动, it just seems like they care so much about you individually. 只要你愿意 走出去问问题,他们愿意帮忙.


