Center for Successful Aging


The University of Toledo is committed to providing quality education, research and services to older adults and their families through the Center for Successful Aging. The commitment and emphasis on quality educational experiences for students at the University of Toledo as well as health care professionals within our community puts the Center for Successful Aging in the forefront of academic health care institutions. Through the development of the Center, the University of Toledo is positioning itself appropriately in order to meet the expanding needs of older adults and their families in northwest Ohio. 

Center for Successful Aging Staff

Victoria Steiner

Victoria Steiner, Ph.D.

Administrative Director, Center for Successful Aging
Associate Professor
4216 Collier Building   MS 1027
3000 Arlington Avenue
Toledo, OH 43614
Phone: 419.383.5647
Fax: 419.383.5880

Darci Ault

Darlene (Darci) Ault, M.Ed.

Education and Outreach Coordinator, Center for Successful Aging
1100 Health and Human Services Building  MS 119
2801 West Bancroft Street
Toledo, OH 43606
Phone: 419.530.5208
Fax: 419.530.4759

Last Updated: 6/27/22